A Sweet Countdown

2 min readJun 28, 2021

There are exactly 12 days until Easter 2021. Which means that there are exactly 12 days until we mark the very day hundreds of years ago when Jesus rose from the dead. A historic moment that would change life and death for the rest of eternity UNTIL the final promise: Jesus comes back. It is a crazy thought to think, and yet so would the manifestation of God, huh? Jesus will come back quickly, that’s what He promised us. And so Jesus is with us through the Holy Spirit and He attests on our behalf in Heaven to The Father, but He is not here on earth — no not yet.

When Jesus comes, will I be ready? Can I with all my heart and life know that I am blameless? And when He comes to take me away, will Ihate mother father, brother, and husband enough to follow Him? When He comes and takes me, will I recognize my Savior?

Jesus, a man who lived hundreds of years ago, and yet is so deeply connected to me spiritually that He is known as the lover of my soul. Who is this incredible and perfect man?

Well in John, I learned that He is the word and the word is Him. So when I read the Bible, that’s when I can be with Him. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. I just want to say His name a few more times because this is the man who’s name is written in my heart. And for all these years I have been begging for God to reveal him to me, and all along it was Him: Jesus.

